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Register and Bookmark

At the beginning of the month, I wrote about Safety First and how to make sure that your rental property is compliant, safe and up to the correct standards when it comes to gas, electricity and fire safety.

This month I wanted to share the Register My Appliance website with you.

This website is very useful for when you have ordered and taken receipt of any new electrical appliances as it does exactly what it says on the tin: you register your appliances.


By registering your new appliances you can stay up to date with safety repairs or recalls and keep up to date with news on upgrades or changes. If you have old appliances already in situ then you can also register these and check them out too.

Over the last year or so one important issue was highlighted when Hotpoint had to service or change a number of highly faulty tumble dryers.

These tumble dryers were prone to fire and by registering your product you would have known whether a service engineer was needed or whether you could get a replacement.


You can register your new appliance as soon as it has been delivered and again, with the old appliances you can also sign in and check out the relevant information starting from now.

The website is supported by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and ROSPA.

What do I need?

There are a number of things that you will need to hand:

The brand name

Model of your product

Serial number

Purchase date

Once you have these you can visit their page and off you go.

Safety First

When you buy an electrical appliance the retailer has no way of contacting you should an issue arise. By registering your household appliances not only will you be safe in the knowledge that your appliances are safe but should a fault arise then you and your tenant will be able to act before it is too late.

Action step

So, don't delay check out the Register My Appliance website today and don't forget to bookmark it too.

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